Training Program in Logotherapy – Classroom Learning

For whom is the Training Program intended?

The program is designed to meet the needs of professionals from various fields (doctors, psychologists, social workers, pedagogues, teachers, educators, therapists), students, as well as all others interested in personal growth and development, and is based on value oriented principles of logotherapy.

Selection criteria and procedure

Formal conditions for enrollment:
completed three-years university study/degree.

Additional enrolment requirements:
genuine interest and an ability to embrace a logotherapeutic spirit of the DOBRO Institute, built on the authentic teaching and memory of Viktor Frankl’s life and work, and consistently, with dignity, courageously and committedly transfer and apply it for the benefit of others and their own good.

Candidate selection procedure:
Motivation letter. Interview.

Why enroll in a Training Program in Logotherapy at DOBRO Institute?

The work of the Institute is carried out by recognized experts from various fields of profession and science which ensures that education and training are conducted at high scientific level.

The Training Program in Logotherapy at DOBRO Institute is in accordance with The Strasbourg Declaration of Psychotherapy, where it is stated that: “Training in psychotherapy takes place at an advanced, qualified and scientific level.”

Logotherapy is a conversation that can take on the form of a debate in which worldview conceptions are critically clashing. At the same time, meaning is searched for in the Logos, as the source and the base, for the recognition of responsibility as a value, which in itself is a prerequisite for all the other values. That is why it is necessary that a logotherapist is educated and trained in several scientific fields (philosophy, anthropology, theology, logic…).

DOBRO Institute, as well as the Training Program in Logotherapy, are accredited by the Viktor Frankl Institute in Vienna, which confirms the Institute offers logotherapy according to standards (

Structure of the Training Program in Logotherapy at DOBRO Institute

Duration of the Training Program in Logotherapy is 3 (6 semesters) or 4 years (8 semesters).

The program is conducted by academic and other experts and scientists from various fields who have obtained their qualifications at well known domestic and foreign universities, institutes and institutions.

The program is dynamic and interactive and takes place in small groups limited to 30 participants per generation due to the commitment to each individual participant. During the program, participants will acquire knowledge of Viktor Frankl’s logotherapy and be able to apply it in the development of their personal and professional life, aimed at understanding of finding the meaning in life.

The annual training program is composed of 10 modules. Supervision, as well as practical training, work with clients, individually and in groups and clinical practice experience within a mental health setting begin in the third year of the program and continue in the last, fourth year, which also includes a logotherapeutic autobiography.

Criteria for completion of the Training Program in Logotherapy

During the first three years, the theoretical and methodological part is checked in such a way that, upon the completion of each module, during which participants have an obligation to independently study the prescribed literature and hand in the written homework assignments, a short essay must be submitted written on an assigned topic from the module content (up to 500 words). After the final, module 10 of each year, if all essays are graded positively and all assignments have been submitted, a written exam is taken.

After passing an annual exam, the Certificate of completion is issued which proves that the program year has been successfully completed. Depending on the success of submitted assignments and essays, as well as the success on the exam taken, at the end of each year DOBRO Institute retains the right of deciding whether a participant has acquired enough knowledge to continue the Training Program on the following year.

Positively graded essays and passed exams are conditions for the training to be continued in the following year. After the 3rd year of the Training Program, participants are obliged to write a final paper. The theme of the paper is selected in agreement and in consultations with the mentor. The chosen topic must be approved by the lecturer of DOBRO Institute.

Supervision, as well as practical training, work with clients, individually and in groups and clinical practice experience within a mental health setting begin in the third year, and continues in the last, fourth year of the program.

Participants whose goal of training is not to pursue the status of a logotherapist are not required to begin the practical training in the 3rd year of the program but, upon successful completion of the third year, are awarded Certificate in Logotherapy which enables them for the application of logotherapeutic knowledge within previously acquired titles or occupations. If, in the future, they wish to continue their education at DOBRO Institute, they will be given an opportunity to reimburse the mandatory hours of supervision and practical training from the third year of the Training Program.

The last, 4th year, unlike previous years which are predominated by theoretical training, is intended for practical training, work with clients, individually and in groups, clinical practice experience within a mental health setting, supervisory work and a logotherapeutic autobiography. During meetings with their supervisors, participants exchange experiences and report on their clients’ cases and methods of work, but also show that they are able to think logically (meaningfully), act and actively deal with challenges and questions life is asking them. This is also included in a candidate’s ability assessment. During supervision, it is necessary to write and submit therapeutic protocols. Logotherapeutic autobiography refers to an active logotherapeutic view of one’s own life, i.e. to the ability to apply the principles and values of logotherapy to one’s own life.

After the successful completion of the 4th year, the participants obtain Diploma in Logotherapy which entitles them to work as professional logotherapists as well as to engage in the process of obtaining one of the professional statuses in accordance with the provisions of the Croatian Psychotherapy Act.

Training program content

The content overview of the Training Program (last updated on July 24th 2021) is available at:

The overall duration of the Training Program in Logotherapy is 1,500 hours.

Program year
Theory and methodology¹
Personal psychotherapeutic experience, individual autobiography work²
Practical training, work with clients, individually and in groups, clinical practice experience within a mental health setting ³
Group and individual supervision
Total number of training hours

¹ Theoretical study during the 4 years of training, in addition to a specific part of logotherapy theory covered in detail, also contains the following prescribed elements: theories of human development throughout the life-cycle, theories of change, an understanding of social and cultural issues in relation to psychotherapy, theories of psychopathology and theories of assessment and intervention.

² Personal psychotherapeutic experience – includes training analysis, self-experience and other methods involving elements of self-reflection, therapy and personal experience (not less than 250 hours) spread over 4 years. No single term is agreed by all psychotherapy methods. Any training shall include arrangements to ensure that the trainees can identify and appropriately manage their involvement in and contributions to the processes of the psychotherapies that they practice in accordance with their specific methods. (ECP Standards:…)

Personal psychotherapeutic experience, being part of the Training Program in Logotherapy, includes training analysis and other methods involving elements of self-reflection, therapy and personal experience autobiography work under supervision with special reference to essential logotherapeutic elements – spiritual dimension: discussion, examples of self-transcendence, examination of conscience, responsibility, and written self-reflection (essays).

³ Clinical practice experience within a mental health setting: placement in a mental health setting must provide adequate experience of psycho-social crisis and of collaboration with other specialists in the mental health field. (ECP Standards:…)

Experience in relevant institutions and cooperation with experts in the field of mental health will be provided for the participants of the Training in Logotherapy.

Lecturers and associates

  • Archbishop Emeritus, Msgr. Želimir Puljić, PhD, Prof.
    Diploma in Logotherapy
    Licentiate diploma in pastoral theology – Pontifical Lateran University in Rome
    Doctorate in psychology – Pontifical Salesian University in Rome
    Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts
  • Vladimira Velički, PhD, Prof., Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb
    Diploma in Logotherapy
    Accredited Member, International Association of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (LTEA), Vienna, Austria
  • Damir Velički, PhD, Prof., Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb
  • Boglarka Hadinger, PhD, Prof., Doctor of science in the field of psychoneuroimmunology, psychologist, logotherapist, psychotherapist.
    Head of the Institute for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis, Tübigen, Vienna (Institut für Logotherapie und Existenzanalyse Tübingen / Wien).
  • Timo Purjo, PhD, President of Viktor Frankl Institute Finland and Finland’s Association for Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy and Existential Analysis
    Visiting lecturer at Tampere University, Finland
    Logotherapist in private practice
    Accredited Member, International Association of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (LTEA), Vienna, Austria
    Diplomate in Logotherapy, Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy, Abilene, Texas, USA
  • Julius M. Rogina, Ph.D., ABMPP
    Clinical Faculty, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Nevada, Reno
    Clinical Psychologist in Private Practice
    Accredited Member, International Association of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (LTEA), Vienna, Austria
    Diplomate, Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy, Abilene, Texas, USA
    Certification, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
    Diplomate, American Board of Medical Psychotherapists and Psychodiagnosticians (ABMPP)
  • Mato Arlović, LL.D., Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia
  • Zvezdan Pirtošek, MD, PhD, Professor of neurology and cognitive neuroscience and Head of Chair of Neurology, Medical Faculty at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • Vedrana Nucak, MS cin Kinesiology
    Diploma in Logotherapy
    Accredited Member, International Association of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (LTEA), Vienna, Austria
  • Kristijan Gradečak, Ph.D
    Faculty of Humanities and Social Scienes
    Institute for Cosmology and Philosophy of Nature

Training in logotherapy is conducted in cooperation with other domestic and foreign guest experts and lecturers.

What after completion of the Training Program?

After completing the three-year program, Participants receive Certificate in Logotherapy which enables them for the application of logotherapeutic knowledge within previously acquired titles or occupations.

After successful completion of the four-year program, Participants obtain Diploma in Logotherapy which entitles them to work as professional logotherapists .

Diplomas are issued by DOBRO Institute. DOBRO Institute as well as the Training Program are accredited by the Viktor Frankl Institute in Vienna.

Depending on the previous education, it is possible to obtain a title of psychotherapist or counselling therapist in accordance with the valid Croatian Psychotherapy Act (NN 18/2022).

Application procedure

To apply and reserve a place in the Training Program in Logotherapy at DOBRO Institute, it is necessary to submit a motivation letter, CV, copy of a university diploma, exact current residential address if it differs from the one stated in the CV and personal identification number.

Ethical Principles and appeal procedures

In case of ethical doubts, the Ethical Principles of SPUH and appeals procedures apply.